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Periodicals Policy

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Periodicals Policy



Date: October 20, 2003, Revised March 16, 2009

Section: 3332 Purpose:

The purpose of the Mohave County Library Periodicals Policy is to establish and provide guidelines for library patrons and staff in the use of the library’s periodical collection. The library’s periodical collection consists of several hundred popular magazines, journals, serials, business directories, and local/regional phone directories. The collection also contains a number of local, regional and national newspaper subscriptions.

Influencing Factors:


The library acquires and maintains a periodical collection to serve the informational, educational, and recreational needs of the citizens of Mohave County.

Selection Plan:


The library’s objective is to have a well-balanced general periodical collection that includes periodicals in a wide range of subject areas. Patrons may make a request for the purchase of titles that are not held by a branch or community library.

Indexing of many periodicals, including full text of many articles, may be available through online periodical databases offered by the library.



The majority of magazines, journals, and serials in the library’s periodicals collection are available for circulation to patrons. Exceptions are magazines, journals, and serials classified as reference materials, newspapers, business directories and telephone books. The Library Director or designee retains the right to restrict circulation of some titles.

The current issue of a periodical title may not be checked out until the succeeding issue is received and made available for public use. There are no restrictions on the total number of issues that may be checked out by a library patron.

All periodicals are available for intra-district (IDL) loan to all Mohave County branch and community libraries.

The library’s periodical collection will not be available for interlibrary loan (ILL). Borrowing library requests may be filled with photocopies of articles, not to exceed 50 pages.

Patrons may make requests for photocopies of articles from periodicals the library does not own through the interlibrary loan network.

Conditions of Circulation:


Periodicals are checked out for a 21-day loan period and may be renewed twice for additional 21-day periods. No provisions are made for extended loan periods to schools, daycare centers or other similar institutions. Discretion, in these instances, is left to the local branch librarian or community library coordinator.

Overdue fines shall follow the fine schedule currently used for other library materials.

The cost for a lost, unreturned or damaged magazine issue will be the listed individual issue cost or the default price. Delinquent accounts which result from lost, unreturned, and/or damaged periodicals may be turned over to a collection agency and handled in the same manner as all other library materials.

Periodicals may be returned to any Mohave County branch or community library.

Retention and Weeding:


See Mohave County Library District Policy and Procedure Manual Periodicals (Retention) Section 3325.

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